Seven Days of Sankalpa
An online program for working with the power of intention to experience more meaning & purpose
with Erin Lee
Author of The Little Book of Big Intentions
Begin program now (by-donation)
There are so many distractions in this day and age that direct our attention away from what matters most.
Until we come to know what our highest, most aspirational values are in life, it's common to feel a sense of disconnection.
Getting intentional helps.
Being intentional means we resolve or declare a vow that realigns us with our highest Self. In Sanskrit, the word intention' translates to:
Connect with what matters most again...
During the Seven Days of Sankalpa program, you'll be guided to work with the power of intention
as you look through the lens of seven meaningful ways of life:
Rediscover the newness of life again, open yourself to opportunities and possibilities you may currently be missing.
Discover what a day of approaching life with more gentleness will do for all your relationships, including your own wellbeing.
Unveil what feels in true alignment for YOU, and feel what it's like to walk the line of your own unique and authentic way.
Spend time honouring what's already here, and you'll be showered in the abundance of life that exists now - and all the good things coming.
Deepen your experience of life by dissolving any lack, and be guided to reside in the moments that are already here - without rushing through them.
Reveal a more calmer, observant part of you, and watch how impactful your actions become when you allow them to be born out of Peace.
Be guided to make peace with the past, realise who you have become today, and liberate yourself and others with your gained wisdom and insights.
"I feel so much clearer on the way I want to approach life, my loved ones, and myself, after completing this program. I've definitely unveiled some parts of myself that felt like they were buried before. I feel more like the real me when I can remember to be patience and peaceful in my actions, like this program has supported me to do."
Hi, I'm Erin Lee
Your Program Host
I'm the author of The Little Book of Big Intentions, in which I wrote about 27 meaningful and virtuous qualities that are beneficial to live by. I'm also the Founder of The Mindful Yoga School, and have a passion for intention embodiment.
This Seven Days of Sankalpa program offers you an insight into seven of the intentions I wrote about in my book. Get registered for the program here, and may it support you to be ALL that you intend.
"Erin guides you to tap into your own abundant well of inner wisdom. I now feel like I have the tools to keep my own life more on track, and in alignment with what's most important to my heart." ~ Michelle
"Between stimulus and response there is a space.
In that space is our power to choose our response.
In our response lies our growth and our freedom."
Viktor E. Frankl, Author, Man's Search for Meaning.
What's Included:
Daily Lessons
You'll receive a brand new, daily video lesson, supporting you to view life through the lens of each intention.
Mediation Audios
Practice the cultivation of each intention with supporting mediations - a brand new gets sent to you each day.
Beautiful Workbook
Journal in the provided workbook, to reflect on and clarify your insights gained about each intention.
Lifetime Access
This program is yours to keep. Use your log in details to revisit the program as often as you like to reignite all the benefits.
"I'm one of those people who rush through life filling all the hours and minutes. I feel uncomfortable if I have a non-planned day. This program has helped me to rethink my approach. I'm so grateful for your daily accountability Erin!"
"It was as though Erin was in the room with me each day watching the video lessons! And I loved the new meditations - they were doable each morning being around ten minutes long. I've always avoided meditation thinking I needed to allocate longer! Thank you for your guidance and wisdom Erin. I feel so much more everything."